SM001 Homegrove In other words John gets my money twice, as I’ll get the digital too. 😃 Surely you get a free digi download if you purchase the physical?
Homegrove His set was 5 hours, I’m interested to see the length of the CDs, if it’s the whole set. Only two Live Ins have been, Slovenia and Tokyo. I guess you could count Montreal as it misses just one track, due to Depeche Mode being prickly with licensing.
Homegrove alistair all the Live Ins have come out about as much time away from the gig. You would hope Digweed’s tunes have more shelf life than 4 months.
SM001 ScottBailey Indeed. 😅 I’m not arsed replying. I was going to pop out for a takeaway coffee from my local Insomnia but i’ll just stick to a freshly boiled home cup of hot water instead.
alistair Delicious irony of him including monthly mixes on Apple while people pay £25 for a live set in October.
Homegrove alistair well you can listen to the Live In too with Apple Music. Nobody’s making YOU pay for it, other than the subscription.