bosstrabs “Can you be quiet now Hannu, I’d rather listen to what Farage is chatting on GB News to be honest”
zackster Having never listened to a single Live In mix I still feel secure in my belief that every single installment could desperately use a visit from you know who…
zackster Could absolutely see a commercial where Frank bumps into both Hannu and Rhouses Mrs at the supermarket. Mrs. Rhouses seen opening every box of Cookie Crisp to ensure the right toy is inside the box.
rhouses LT42 Missed this, but that Daniel Dexter tune is huge. Goosebumps listening to what that tune does in the second half after building and building. That along with the Nick Curly one on the London mix were two singles I played out a lot. Not as bad ass as when uncle John drops it in the mix, but both always had big reactions.
gcw Montreal gets my vote. 9 discs of quality track after quality track. London is up there also, but Montreal gets the vote for sheer quantity. Miami, South Beach, Slovenia, Tokyo were all so very forgettable
Smallman1 gcw Montreal gets the vote for sheer quantity. A concerning statement. Noted on the spreadsheet.