Smallman1 Homegrove Get well soon Ed. Bad timing. Especially with your earlier post. 😂 Was bang up for it too!
Wally Awwww feckin hell mate, soz to hear that. Will rip the top off on the dance floor in your honour.
Phil-McRackin Tough break Ed, just stick on Heaven Scent and have a cry wank staring at the starry night through your roof. Obviously hope you feel better soon! Everyone else have a belter.
Smallman1 Cheers Wal and thanks Phil and Millsy! I’ve still got my taste, tucking into a double nawty Hotel Chocolat easter egg. We go again!
Smallman1 The thought of not being able to be front and centre with Wal and Bens as Digweed drops the made in Tooting Heaven Scent hurts I cannot lie.