ScottBailey ScottBailey probably be on Pappa’s next mix! feckin’ LOL
Mad_Cyril Dubman DubBluD one of your aliases??? If not I admire the chap’s chutzpah, though MJ’s spinning face is freaking me out. Suspect I’ll struggle to both unsee and unhear this. A new low 😂 PS - suggest folks listen to all of this, it just keeps giving.
IndustryStandard ANNA Techno remix of Belfast. Just leave it alone please…….
Smallman1 hugopal Bleurgh! Apologies in advance for subjecting you all to this; hideous on numerous levels: Absolutely horrific. The tune is awful too. Oi oi!
ScottBailey Homegrove just spotted they’ve done a reberk of Banco De Gaia - Obsidian too. I’d post a link, but I can ill afford anymore downvotes today 😅