Mad_Cyril Unbroken1 Fucking amazeballs 😂First 30 seconds and I’m thinking this isn’t THAT bad, then it hits home !!
Unbroken1 …I mean, there are prob worse produced tracks out there, but when an original you love is fucked about with so pointlessly, it deserves a special place in hell.
Mad_Cyril Unbroken1 I mean, there are prob worse produced tracks out there I’d have to ask you to prove that one!!!
JonQPublik ScottBailey I had to scrutinize the original to hear if there truly were aany similarities to “Mad World” floating in the background. IMHO, nope.
BlainSA Dubman That’s pretty impressive, though a strange arrangement. Not for this thread, dubbers! It’s too good.
BlainSA Dubman I liked it. The first 3 and a half minutes were ok, but after that I thought it was quite good. Far from some of the tragedies posted in here anyway.