Mad_Cyril Seems bush-whacker is phoning it in and using ye olde ‘Ltd Edition’ ruse to lure in the punters!!
Cankles-McJeggings SM001 😄 thanks Yulia you really can’t tell you threw this together in a few hours.
ScottBailey Forget Just Stop Oil. Can we get a Just Stop Framewerk?! They’ve only gone and done Sneaky Alien now …
Dubman Mad_Cyril That just might be the top trumps of shittiest remix I’ve heard in a long while. Doug E fresh was in the charts when I was at school in the mid 80’s
Mad_Cyril Some fucker has ‘organiced’ all the juice out of Tyantanic. Fuck I’m mad. #standingabouthouse
hugopal Mad_Cyril Some fucker has ‘organiced’ all the juice out of Tyantanic. ScottBailey Nick and Hernan are going to be all over that like poison ivy! This just underlines again what I point out repeatedly on here that so-called ‘prog’ nowadays is hardly related at all to what it used to be when it was actually good. The stuff today is too slowed down, plodding and sterile. It shouldn’t even be called the same genre.
ScottBailey SM001 Holy hole in a doughnut! WTF is that vocal?! Didn’t think this remix competition would stoop this low.