Cankles-McJeggings The details are fucking harrowing. Not sure I needed to know. Feel for his family and friends having to learn of such a gruesome demise. RIP Dom at least his words will live on for eternity.
Cankles-McJeggings I can’t remember where it was but he was in an online discussion on modern music with one of his silly analysis and someone kept referring to him as petridish and he got really fucking pissed off with it and had a little tantrum.
mono-stereo Dom’s last words? If you can just look up for me and clasp your hands together like this 🙏
Smallman1 Just had a look at the spreadsheet and can confirm that Hugo lolpp count is 1 per 18,485 posts.
-si- mono-stereo Poor norris’ career never recovered after was photographed with his cock in a vehicle exhaust pipe and his wife’s stockings on…
Cankles-McJeggings -si- I think it all went down hill for the McWhirters when one of them got shot up by those lovely IRA chaps.
hugopal bosstrabs Can someone start a ‘now acceptable to make jokes about Dom’ countdown clock? It won’t be any use to you though given the crap you post on the topic.