-si- mono-stereo Poor norris’ career never recovered after was photographed with his cock in a vehicle exhaust pipe and his wife’s stockings on…
Cankles-McJeggings -si- I think it all went down hill for the McWhirters when one of them got shot up by those lovely IRA chaps.
hugopal bosstrabs Can someone start a ‘now acceptable to make jokes about Dom’ countdown clock? It won’t be any use to you though given the crap you post on the topic.
Smallman1 Here’s my playlist for when I cark it - Sasha - Global Underground 013: Ibiza (CD1) Cheers.
bosstrabs @Smallman1 is that Bants School invite in the fucking post for Hugo or what? You did pay for Deutsche Post’s express service didn’t you?
hugopal bosstrabs You did send it here didn’t you? What a mistake - you should have sent it to me here:
Mad_Cyril Interesting article and some warming tributes from the locals whose habitat Dom was trying to help preserve. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jul/01/amazon-brazil-drugs-fish-logging-dom-phillips-bruno-pereira?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
bosstrabs Mad_Cyril warming tributes from the locals whose habitat Dom was trying to help preserve. The prog house community circa 2003?
zackster Every time Dave posts all I can think about it Joe Brandon saying “aahh I’m sorry man, I shouldn’t a said that. 😎”