rhouses Im trying to understand where me saying ‘kinda surprised’ became “these DJ assholes ‘need’ to post about dom Phillips”. Get a grip, LT.
Cankles-McJeggings rhouses Don’t feel the need to explain yourself to some whack job that’s been triggered on the interwebs rhouses. It’s well beneath you.
Mad_Cyril rhouses LT is warming to his old hobby of Dermo blasting Rhouses. Don’t think it’s directed at you brother
rhouses And just adding to this, I was more wondering out loud if relationships had soured as it had done with Global Underground.
alistair Dom Phillips had left the dance music scene many years ago so there is no need for a social media Diana moment.
rhouses Was wondering where it was all coming from until I read the thread properly and realized it was mostly directed at you. haha.
LT42 Mad_Cyril I’d doubt that, MC. This place is all the better for not interacting with the ill in the head. And long may it continue.
Homegrove Some of the people interviewed for his book Superstar DJs were not overly fond of his methods, heard he’d gotten his subjects drunk to make them spill their secrets. All water under the bridge now I’m sure.
Cankles-McJeggings Homegrove Never heard that before. Where did you get that from? Wouldn’t have thought it was very hard getting any of them to talk as theyd have all been plastered on a cocktail of drink and drugs 98% of the time. He was mates with all of them anyway.
LT42 Sasha will be broadcasting his obituary from the top of the Shard any day now. That should put all the rumours to bed for the drama queens.
Smallman1 If Sasha doesn’t make his proclamations public, he should of course be thrown in the sea with concrete flippers on.
Cankles-McJeggings LT42 Wounds still wide open? Thought you may have grown some over time not carrying on where it left off like a baby. How’s the hiding out in Turkey going anyway Henry Hill ? 😆