hugopal mono-stereo Rushdie was accused of blasphemy. Not sure if he’s racist. Rushdie was born in to a Muslim family - can you be racist against your own race?!
Mad_Cyril hugopal Rushdie was born in to a Muslim family - can you be racist against your own race?! Who are you to deny him the privilege?
mono-stereo Millsy Still a massive taboo mate. Fortunatly board stalwarts such as myself are at least starting to broach the subject.
Cankles-McJeggings Sometimes I feel like my posts get misunderstodd. He looks like a racist to me. Case closed.
Old-Dutch If you reaange the letters in his name (and use the l as a capital ’i) it spells Ian Rush adies. A failed Italian fatwa against Liverpool back in the 80s