Mad_Cyril LT42 Mad_Cyril So for the video, it’s actually good to see someone enjoying the tune. Can’t see what’s wrong with that. His style might be different, but I’d argue it’s probably less annoying than the both thumbs your arse cynicism approach sometimes prevalent on here. Did worry the lads head was going to wobble off at one point though! Similar Some people think throwing shit at everything is pretty cool
Dry-Tinder LT42 The guy is on his hands and knees, kissing the pavement and praying to a roller shutter door😂
zackster Smallman1 I do that outside The End most weeks tbf. Wait, there was a pic of him blowing some dude?
LT42 hugopal well if he does start posting on here it would certainly be an improvement on the pedantic shite your selling. Zackster 2.0 would at least be interesting.
hugopal LT42 Zackster 2.0 would at least be interesting. If you think reposting both shite and obvious prog tunes while gurning like a simpleton is “interesting” then you’re easily pleased.
hugopal LT42 I’d doubt he takes himself that seriously tbh You say that, but he’s clearly too sensitive to post on here. Plus this looks like he’s attempting to strike a serious pose:
LT42 hugopal even the guy who posts “shite and obvious tunes” would be far more interesting than yourself, Hugo. Has the penny dropped yet?
Smallman1 LT42 even the guy who posts “shite and obvious tunes” would be far more interesting than yourself, Hugo. Alistair is defo more interesting than Hugo. Oi oi!
zackster I like that this idiot has become this type of guy but with a focus on prog. Would never have thought it possible, unless it was done by an alien after finding a copy of Communicate in a sunken Best Buy in the year 3020.
ScottBailey The way these people sell the surprise, like they’ve been living in a cave all their life with just a copy of The Marshall Mathers LP for company and zero other musical input… Makes for a good laugh sometimes though.