Cankles-McJeggings Smallman1 That crackers that 83% of the board say you should donate their money to charity.
erik Hopefully Smalls invested it when he knew this wasn’t going to happen and we all get a healthy return on our £20😂 I’d hate to think my money went towards a failed roof repair
Cankles-McJeggings zackster We spent the money at Output. Not sure why people haven’t moved on from this fact. Yeh spending it on everything but what you should have been spending it on you dork. Drugs 🤡 ’Hey smalls let’s get some candy floss, donuts and ice cream yeh?' Smalls and Zackster queuing up at Output 🕴️👨🦼🧑🦽
bosstrabs Zackster, in his Starter cap, his Philly throwback NBA top, and his Veja hi-tops with his massive Aubameyang fake horse teeth in, unable to score anywhere in fucking New York next to a nightclub of all places. WHAT A FUCKING REM.
seanc80 Zackster putting a brave face on the evening by buying whisky and cokes with the hoover money and getting garlic mayo & cheese chips at the end of the night as a treat to soften the realisation of being an absolute helmet
bosstrabs It must have been shit if eternal optimist/easily amused simpleton Ed Smallman even criticised the evening.