I haven’t bothered with the last few and doubt I’ll bother with this either

Dan AnTWERP….the epicentre of club culture.

Mike Dierickx/Push/M.I.K.E. was also from Antwerp.


    So has this one. I heard that the collectors edition has 4 chocolate moulds of her ring piece. £75 seems a bit steep though.

    hugopal Did he make seminal techno tracks? I’ll admit I’ve never heard of him.

      Dan Did he make seminal techno tracks? I’ll admit I’ve never heard of him.

      I’l assume you’re being sarcastic.

      Used to buy a lot of techno in the early 90’s from Belgium.

      • Dan replied to this.

        Sasha & Digweed should do one.

        And no I’m not kidding.


        Aye I’ve got loads of the original Belgian techno. De Wulf, Beltram and CJ Bolland especially. Dave Morley was the other one I couldnt recall.

          Used to buy all their releases back then.

          Yeh I did most of them. Every so often they swayed to proper nose bleed stuff but in general spot on.

          Having had a look at the tracklist, at first glance there appears to be a few too many Amelie Lens tracks on there (I think Amelie Lens is generally a better DJ than producer). There are also a fair few tracks on her label (Exhale) and from her husband (Farrago).

          There could perhaps be a few more ‘underground’ producers on there as well given the range of music she plays, and even a longer tracklist in general. Hopefully it’s still a good mix from her as opposed to more a PR exercise.

          Although I do kind of know someone who has a track on Disc 2, so a minor klang.

          This will be rubbish, like Magda’s balance.

          I know this because Magda is female and once did a rubbish Balance comp.

          Amirite lads??

          • -si- replied to this.