Morty-C-137 303abuser Is it too soon to ask why anyone cares? You’d have to be seriously unhinged for this to affect your life in any way. No one actually gives a flying fuck.. but pretending you do (in public of course) is a form of currency for women. It’s based on the same principles of why ‘social’ media has lasted this long..
ScottBailey Hursty it was a general comment to be fair, much like the ‘surprise’ when old people die I know. I’m not one for pageantry either, but it’s hard not to mark such a moment in history with a bit of sombre.
Hursty ScottBailey I’d be more upset if it was Prince William who karked it yesterday as he is relatively young and still bringing up a family, that would be more tragic.
rhouses It’s quite funny how this event is happening for the first time in a lifetime, mostly for everyone on this board, and yet you’re all furious about the minor inconveniences lined up for the next week or two. Shouldn’t you lot be complaining about that .1% tax the Royals are taking from you instead? lol.
bosstrabs rhouses It’s quite funny how this event is happening for the first time in a lifetime, mostly for everyone on this board, and yet you’re all furious about the minor inconveniences lined up for the next week or two. Shouldn’t you lot be complaining about that .1% tax the Royals are taking from you instead? lol. Rhouses, SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT to HRH Queen Elizabeth II IN THIS THREAD FFS, you colonial chaiwallah.
Cankles-McJeggings Yeh same. As if there’s not already enough congestion in fixtures what with the world cup and whatnot. It’s the royals that should be showing some respect.
Mad_Cyril bosstrabs Queen based NFT’s will be blowing the bloody doors off for the next few weeks Dave. Worth fuck all by October mind
bosstrabs Mad_Cyril Bored Ape x Franklin Mint limited edition gold-plated commemorative plate? All In!
Along_the_Wire Hursty he hasn’t though. What made you come up with that absurd hypothetical situation?! I’d be more upset if my mum died…
ScottBailey Hursty won’t find me balling my eyes out and moping around Bucks palace! Not sure work would’ve seen that in favourable light 😅 But can still be sombre in thought about the passing of an era.
Hursty Along_the_Wire I’m not upset someone who was expected to die has died. If it was someone younger then it would be a shock. I was going to add that I couldn’t give a shit either way, but I thought that was implied! Lol
Millsy I got properly pissed up at an awards dinner and stayed at the Savoy as a mark of respect last night. Cheers
mono-stereo Millsy just had a quick look at last nights events at the Savoy. Mills was either at the launch party for the Lancelot 2000 DRAM sound card or the Dixie Fried Chicken franchise “man of the year” gala.
ScottBailey Millsy I was in the Wellington opposite Waterloo until late. Should have said and we could’ve mourned with a few cans of Red Stripe from the offy next to the station!
Along_the_Wire I think we should have a black and white photo of the queen on the home page in her memory. All threads should be at half mast. Get it fucking sorted, Mono.
SM001 A solemn Tony Cascarino is broadcasting on Talksport. Who better to cover this historic event; Cascarino said: “I had a Chinese delivered just moments after the announcement. It felt wrong and very disrespectful to eat it, so as a mark of respect I threw it in the bin.”
Cankles-McJeggings SM001 Cascarino, there’s a good olde fashioned Brit name. Wonder if there’s a China man throwing a spag bol in the bin out of respect somewhere?
Morty-C-137 SM001 Cascarino said: “I had a Chinese delivered just moments after the announcement. It felt wrong and very disrespectful to eat it, so as a mark of respect I threw it in the bin.” My estrogen detector is going wild (not as much as when near smallballs mind you)