I’ve watched the first three episodes and have given up. It was disjointed and boring with a terrible script.
I’ve read most of Tolkiens books and feel the story (such that it is) has no gravitas.
Not surprising as Tolkien left little to adapt from the Second Age. So that means you’ve got shitty film script writers (one did Jurassic Park 5, I think!) trying emulate a literary master, with stories they’ve made up. They don’t have a hope in matching Tolkien, as they didn’t invent anything.
Truly they are standing on the shoulders of a giant and it shows.
Also Galadriel is nothing like anything I’ve read in the books. Peter Jackson’s one is faithful. Amazon’s one is a joke - but she does look the part.
I just wish they’d stop now and make no more of this dross!
All they can try and make, is a story out of a few appendices, at the end of Lord of the Rings - some of it is really good, like the war between the dwarves and orcs. But it’s only about four pages, so not much in there to adapt.
So they’ll have to pad any story out with their own crap, like we’re seeing and it’s just not Tolkien.
If Tolkien didn’t write a story it says there wasn’t one to write.
Rant over, back to the music 🙂