Mad_Cyril ‘Your Ma is your Da’ always gets a chuckle from me. Excellent, and thought provoking, journalism
Smallman1 Millsy was the bloke who did your roof from Belfast? Was from Eastern Europe. Did a shit job then threatened me with violence when I complained about it. Living the dream.
-si- Smallman1 Did a shit job then threatened me with violence when I complained about it. Lol. Tradesmens’ faces must light up like a christmas tree when you open your door, ed! Spending the 5 seconds it takes to exchange pleasantries wondering whether to double or treble the price of the job…
seanc80 Smallman1 Maybe Darren might help with filling your hole. And afterwards he might advise on fixing your roof.
vinnyt77 -si- Tradesmens’ faces must light up like a christmas tree when you open your door, ed! That assumes a working doorbell, does it not?
-si- vinnyt77 You are absolutely correct, vin. I meant when ed was hanging out the window to converse with them. We know he has previous for that…