• General
  • Few beers, fancy London, 16th November

Shame me and Grant can’t make it as would be good to have some top table representation there.

  • Dan replied to this.

    Smallman1 Fixed:
    Shame Grant can’t make it as would be good to have some top table representation there.

    If it was the 15th I’m in town. Sadly got a thing on the 16th. But with Ed already a no show there seems little point

    Smallman1 Brookes College, Oxford

    It is truly beyond my comprehension how a person can repeatedly say something so pathetic; even on the absolutely minute chance that it’s said in a slightly ironic way.

      I’ve found the real reason Ed went to Oxford Brookes

        hugopal It is truly beyond my comprehension how a person can repeatedly say something so pathetic

        Fucking hell, Hugo just gets worse and worse…

        • -si- replied to this.


          Lol. Imagine hugo’s parents when they see his car pull up outside their house.

          “Fucking hell, margaret, turn that light off and hide below the window, here’s that monotonous fucking offspring of ours, thought he said he was calling next week?”

          This whole thread is unspeakably sad.

          • -si- replied to this.

            seanc80 This whole thread is unspeakably sad.

            Are you the same sean who started a thread to ask what he should wear to a work social occasion?

            That thread has an award in the bag at the xmas do.

            The unspeakably sad, seriously shit & spontaneous suicide inducing thread of the year award.

            Si has just put Sean in the burns unit like you can’t believe!

            The only reason I could fathom for even going to Oxford Brookes to begin with is to prepare you for life as a manservant for the type of person who went to Oxford proper (which is probably true in Ed’s case), otherwise you’d probably be treated with less disdain if you just went to some no-mark nowheresville Uni like Chichester or Aberystwyth.

            Ed Smallman - Biz Tranz ledge to be added soon.