Smallman1 Fairly sure this thread won’t be troubling the end of year awards. I could be wrong though.
hugopal Smallman1 probably the first time you’ve ever not been wrong about anything. PS it’s clearly not intending to be
bosstrabs Hugo, now that Google owns YouTube, there’s a special automatically downloaded plug-in for Chrome that prevents really boring people from watching their favourite boring things so that YouTube’s servers are more efficient.
hugopal Hursty Tried updating the browser? Clean install? The problem with that is my macbook and iOS are too old to now update the browser. But I’d never had a problem with youtube prior to this and the problem literally started in the middle of a browsing session, with as far as I’m aware no changes to any other settings occurring.
bosstrabs You’ve probably been writing paragraphs of shite arguing with people in the comments section.
hugopal bosstrabs You’ve probably been writing paragraphs of shite arguing with people in the comments section. Oh I can still do that, but I just have to get to the videos at the moment via either searching on google, or searching on firefox then pasting the URL in to Chrome.
Mad_Cyril Happened to me with safari / iOS, and direct through the app, the other day. Fucked it off for a few hours and sorted itself, put it down to some kind of update. More anecdotal than helpful I admit!
hugopal Mad_Cyril More anecdotal than helpful I admit! well it’s reassuring to know it might at least not just be my system being screwed and it could also eventually resolve itself
NasserAlazzawi I was gonna say if you have an old AdBlocker in chrome they may have cottoned onto it and given you the finger (wheyyy) but if MC had it happen then yeah just wait it out. Not literally though. Do something today 😉
hugopal I’m sure you’ll all be greatly relieved to hear that it’s suddenly started working again for whatever reason. /close thread