Jules72 Damn had tickets for Koko (used to love that place) but couldn’t make it 😕… in truth I preferred them when they were slower - they seemed to cater a bit too much to the EDM crowd in recent years imo….
rhouses Blindly downloaded the latest Bob Moses album. They look a bit EDM in the pictures, but happy to give it a go on Grant’s approval.
Along_the_Wire rhouses the new one is definitely better than the one before. Listened to Battle Lines the other day - brilliant
Cankles-McJeggings They are defo leaning towards the cheezy side of things at times but also produce some pretty credible tunes too.
rhouses Sorry Grant, but how is this any better than Harry Styles? Definitely not enough grief for this thread.
Cankles-McJeggings Sasha and digweed dont play anything by fucking Harry styles rhouses. There’s a starter. Both use Bob Moses tracks in their sets. Listening to Harry Styles is fucking embarrassing.
rhouses Cankles-McJeggings S&D must be playing some mad remixes that probably don’t come close to the garbage my ears were assaulted with.
Cankles-McJeggings No they’ve both played standard released tracks. I haven’t heard the album at all. Not a single track but some of their singles releases have been good.
Cankles-McJeggings rhouses I never said he was. I said he has played tracks in the past. He played elderbrook and Bob Moses track on transitions a bit back. Now that was cheesy and he still played it. https://www.1001tracklists.com/tracklist/2m6xu941/john-digweed-slacker-transitions-906-2022-01-07.html
Along_the_Wire I know there are calls for cheese, but everyone is harking back to one album - their last one is a cracker - impossible to beat their first one mind.
rhouses Not for me, Grant. Swerving, but I guess I can see the charm of watching them live after a couple of glasses of red wine and shot of tequila.