bosstrabs Smallman1 The venue was top drawer, a brilliant call and booking from yours truly! OLB, did you and MC get on like a house on fire?
-si- How many turned up in the end? Hope it went well lads! Someone better have made a call and got a delivery. If you all went home at 10pm without incident or narcotics then I’m joining team sean!
Mad_Cyril -si- I brought the spice Benson brought a full bag of weapons grade tranquilisers Scott brought some fizzy Vimto And Edwand brought the banterbus Scones ensued. Natch
hugopal -si- If you all went home at 10pm without incident or narcotics then I’m joining team sean! Based on yesterday’s posts, at least benson and Ed both left before 10pm.
Smallman1 Mad_Cyril I brought the spice Benson brought a full bag of weapons grade tranquilisers Scott brought some fizzy Vimto And Edwand brought the banterbus Scones ensued. Natch Lol!