bosstrabs Smallman1 The venue was top drawer, a brilliant call and booking from yours truly! OLB, did you and MC get on like a house on fire?
-si- How many turned up in the end? Hope it went well lads! Someone better have made a call and got a delivery. If you all went home at 10pm without incident or narcotics then I’m joining team sean!
Mad_Cyril -si- I brought the spice Benson brought a full bag of weapons grade tranquilisers Scott brought some fizzy Vimto And Edwand brought the banterbus Scones ensued. Natch
hugopal -si- If you all went home at 10pm without incident or narcotics then I’m joining team sean! Based on yesterday’s posts, at least benson and Ed both left before 10pm.
Smallman1 Mad_Cyril I brought the spice Benson brought a full bag of weapons grade tranquilisers Scott brought some fizzy Vimto And Edwand brought the banterbus Scones ensued. Natch Lol!
Smallman1 bosstrabs Will OLB and MC give an interview where OLB gives MC 10/10 but MC only gives OLB 7? A lol for Dave!