Firstly, I’ve clearly struck a nerve!
whatever I don’t know if you imagined that there was some sort of vetting process whereby I was asked to supply my Berghain credentials, perhaps number of visits to said club
Not really - it seemed pretty clear there wasn’t one.
whatever Someone came up with the name as a bit of fun using a known name to evoke a broad genre of music or idea and they wanted people who might bring interpretations of it (because, you know, they’re not anally retentive about it) and that it needn’t fit the exact category.
It’s not really just “a bit of fun” though - it’s misleading and a cheap marketing ploy.
It’s like someone advertising a “Beyond Napoli - homage to Neapolitan pizza” night or restaurant, and then bringing in a caterer/chef who’s never even eaten a Neapolitan-style pizza, let alone been to Naples, and usually cooks at a late-night takeaway serving Chicago-style deep dish pizzas, and then asking them to serve their “interpretations” of Neapolitan pizza.
The more knowledgable guests might feel a bit miffed, while some of the less knowledgable guests might end up thinking - what the heck is this? I’ll never bother going to Naples to eat pizza if this is what it’s like".
It’s probably a similar grievance which Dave has when he sees some of the menus of Vietnamese run “Cantonese restaurants” in the UK that get posted on here.
whatever I have recorded mixes that have been themed around well known clubs that I went to over the years.
Well bully for you - but I don’t see what that has to do with recording a mix themed around a club that you’ve never been to?!