Millsy A Love From Outer Space. Sean Johnston at Golden Lion, Todmorden, 18.06.22
IndustryStandard Not a massive amount of saved mixes in my Soundcloud library from this year. This George X Mix still gets played a lot, so wins my prize for 2022
IndustryStandard IndustryStandard should get a thumbs up from @NasserAlazzawi due to the Greece connection
Yant IndustryStandard Agree, there wasn’t a massive amount to select from this year really. Which is why I like starting this thread at the end of the year, to catch up with anything I might’ve missed.
NasserAlazzawi IndustryStandard I’m in Cyprus 😛 Everyone abroad seems to think it’s Greece for some reason!
Matt Would usually be a Powel mix for me, would have been again had it not been for this mix from Dan.
alistair Sasha’s 90 minutes at the Glade for pure enjoyment
Homegrove alistair Dermo will fume but I liked it a lot too. Probably not a favorite, will have to go through my SC favorites to pick another maybe.
Wally alistair Same here. Did the Great North Run to it. I just wish the twat didn’t play the exact same tunes for the remainder of the year. Board Mixes - One of Damo’s for sure. At the coal face mixes - Diggers at Bedrock in May. Mint.
303abuser Damo’s July mix is the easy winner for me. Lots of mixes from other board members that I enjoyed, but this one is the best.
303abuser Yant Which is why I like starting this thread at the end of the year, to catch up with anything I might’ve missed. That’s what I’ll be doing too, I’m always a year behind.
Smallman1 Worry ye self not the year behind lads, future faced legend and kitchen sink extraordinaire OLB is at the cutting edge.