Cankles-McJeggings Watch and learn Zacko. That was yesteryear. And don’t confuse hatred with obsession. ‘Set trends not follow them’. Dermatologists motto.
zackster Smallman1 the TT Whatsapp group bosstrabs This does not exist Smallman1 It does, you didn’t make the cut sadly. bosstrabs
bosstrabs Smallman1 It cannot be a top tabler WhatsApp group then. It is a Snidey Paul + his bumlickers group.
bosstrabs Snidey Paul plus hangers on. No thanks. Who else is in it? Electric Tease and Junior Felix?
Mad_Cyril bosstrabs Football tips from that guy who lives on a ranch in Canada and once saw John O’Shea in Spar Edit: Big Thicktor
C_J bosstrabs Snidey Paul plus hangers on. No thanks. Who else is in it? Electric Tease and Junior Felix? 😂
bosstrabs zackster I am absolutely FEWMIN. I’m not sure whether I demand Smallman adds me NOW otherwise I will savage him daily on here OR I couldn’t stand the bellyrubs and Dutch Rudders Snidey Paul and his mates give each other.
rhouses bosstrabs Giving Smalls a leadership position at bants school was a mistake. We can track back swiftly and undo this. Give it a thought. Regards, Rhouses (Honoris Causa Doctorate: Bants School)