bosstrabs However, in some ways, the CBDs of places like Beijing seem more advanced in some ways than Western cities - they don’t have the stench of urban decay, failing infrastructure (because it’s all new, rather than it being well-maintained) and rising crime
But they do have the stench of much worse air pollution than the vast majority of cities in the west. Beijing has been improving, but its concentration of PM2.5 is still typically at least treble that of London for example - which already doesn’t have that good air - and is waaay above WHO guidelines.
rhouses Infrastructure aside, which is without a doubt a shit show here, there are quite a few similarities with China and India.
Following on from my message above, the rankings of the worst cities in the world for air quality are consistently topped by cities in India and China, together with Pakistan, Bangladesh and others in the vicinity spreading from the middle east e.g. in Bahrain and Saudia Arabia across to Mongolia and Nepal.
Albeit, India’s air pollution does seem slightly worse overall - it’s about the 5th worst country in the world for air pollution while China is at about 11.