rhouses Cankles-McJeggings Nah, not the tattoo. It’s definitely opening up about how I’d forget to flush my morning dumps and annoy the missus.
hugopal LT42 And what the fuck is Hugo is even on about? If he was a horse he’d be brought out back and shot https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Three_(management_consultancies) I’m surprised you’d have not at least heard of McKinsey given all your “work” and “research” on US Defence given they have contracts with the Pentagon.
Along_the_Wire I think he’s trying to be funny again, Vin. What he’s actually doing, is taking his brand of tedium to another level. Fair play to the lad.
LT42 Along_the_Wire bantz so shit it you have to read a Wikipedia page to get the joke? Hope Hugo makes use of Ed’s weekend extension pack.
Along_the_Wire hugopal I think the main issue is that hardly anyone gives a fuck about consultancy businesses. I certainly don’t, I can’t stand them.
hugopal Along_the_Wire I think the main issue is that hardly anyone gives a fuck about consultancy businesses. I certainly don’t, I can’t stand them. Just imagine being Ed working as a fluffer for some D-List, zero impact “biz trans” firm. Actually, better don’t.
Mad_Cyril Along_the_Wire think the main issue is that hardly anyone gives a fuck about consultancy businesses. I certainly don’t, I can’t stand them. Neither do I ,and I currently work for one!
hugopal LT42 bantz so shit it you have to read a Wikipedia page to get the joke? Only if you’re a clueless no-mark like yourself.
LT42 I’m aware of who McKinsey are, Hugo. Don’t know why you’ve brought them up here other than to try your hand at a joke that stunk the place out. My commiserations.
hugopal LT42 Don’t know why you’ve brought them up here Because the thread asked about the best MBB; pretty simple.
LT42 hugopal “Posters” “POSTERS” - the only part of your contribution here that is worthy of any note is the use of the word simple.
rhouses Every single McKinsey alum I’ve worked with have been insufferable and aggressive, fuck them and the high horse they rode in on.
hugopal rhouses Every single McKinsey alum I’ve worked with have been insufferable and aggressive, fuck them and the high horse they rode in on. You were only bringing them the coffee though Rhouses.
rhouses hugopal Well thankfully most of them are in Business Development and “Strategy”, and not marketing (or HR lol), so never had to deal with any of them within my team.
Smallman1 Amps Ed’s aquatic activities and punch bag impersonations have been my favourites of late. One does what one can!