Cankles-McJeggings I’m amazed I haven’t. Some of the damage I did to my ears, especially with the Shelley’s/eclipse systems was off the chain. I spent days with partial hearing usually into midweek.
you lot are lucky bastards!
I’ll be honest, I’m purely spitballing here, but I’ve seemed to notice:
- My friends with DJ careers who have tinnitus, seem to have used Sennheiser HD-25 headphones for years and years
- I get much worse hearing damage (ringing for hours) from Mids and Trebles than bass
- Someone wrote a post recently about how much brighter/harsher HD-25 headphones are in these areas when turned up, compared with other headphones
Although the HD-25 are crystal clear, I own a pair of those and I own a pair of “AIAIAI TMA-2 DJ Preset” - which I played on for 7 years prior, and I can definitely tell how easy it is on my mixer to turn the HD-25s up too loud in comparison.