mono-stereo It was. I should add that in general I condemn the use of aliases (when used for trolling) in the strongest possible terms.
alistair Wiley has just committed career suicide on twitter with a hateful anti semitic rant. Pure bile. Couldn’t happen to a nice guy.
alistair And then displays his complete ignorance by posting Billie Holiday Strange Fruit which it transpires is written by a Jewish man. Thick as mince
Phil-McRackin He’s still going. Thought it must be some sort of chemically assisted breakdown yesterday but he’s still going for it now.
hugopal Meanwhile, ZDF, the second largest German state TV channel (which everyone here has to pay a licence fee to fund, even if you don’t own a TV), has posted on its Instagram page that: “there is no racism against Whites”.
Smallman1 LT42 Who is Wiley anyway? Never heard of him The Godfather of grime. And an absolute tool to boot.
hugopal Along_the_Wire Not forgetting the Cambridge professor Gopal’s tweets, etc. That’s before one even gets in to the debate about whether anti-semitism (such as Wiley’s above) should be deemed a type of racism or not. Anyway, the ZDF tweet claims that any instances of what would be rightly defined as ‘racism’ can actually only be called ‘discrimination’ if it’s against a white person, i.e. not only does it not exist, but it’s impossible.
BlainSA hugopal Similarly Racism: The marginalization and/or oppression of people of color based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people. It gets better as you read.