Along_the_Wire Loving this. I’ve sourced a few of these all by my own, so please don’t be offended when you see them on my mix soon…
Along_the_Wire Homegrove I’ve always felt a little guilty to be honest. I’m my own worst enemy mind, I should’ve got a mix out last weekend, but I was too busy playing The Last of Us and massively pissing about.
Unbroken1 Homegrove …now you lay on the guilt for me not supplying a tracklist!? 😉 To be fair, it is a fucking long one this time…
Unbroken1 Along_the_Wire …LOL at you digging me out for not finishing a mix because you were too pissed to find your own records! Its all good mate… we all do it on one level or another
Millsy Knocking back your second bottle of Le Piat Dor while trying to find a keycard and ripping off someone else’s mix. Dream existence imo.
Homegrove Unbroken1 I’ve just started using Shazam with your mixes, then checking later if it’s correct. Easier than following the tracklist. Still need the tracklist, mind.
Wasily Unbroken1 …its my ambition to be un-shazammable (will do t/l tonight) He’s gonna layer his intro vocals over the whole set…
Along_the_Wire I’ve been through it twice already - brilliant stuff Damo, best of the three I reckon.
303abuser Unbroken1 hope i have time to go through all of it today, the first 90 minutes are really, really good. cheers.
Smallman1 I shall give this a whirl for sure! Had a couple of friends over last week and played your April effort, after an hour or so one of them said "this is brilliant, who is this?'
Unbroken1 Smallman1 …hope you got your leg-over Ed, if not, you should carry a pic of me in future, sure to seal the deal 😉 Thanks gents 🙂
Smallman1 Unbroken1 …hope you got your leg-over Ed, if not, you should carry a pic of me in future, sure to seal the deal Ha! Will do Damo!