baggers44 Smallman1 oh yes defo Sasha. i fucking hate going to shoreditch - i mean i haven’t even got a beard. will i need to grow one ?
Dry-Tinder If it is Sasha, I’m in. I don’t think the the Essex, contact mag girls will go to Manchester, they’re tight enough at sharing drugs, they’re not tight in other places though. Can’t beat a Sunday roast, a club, then a spit roast.
benson I think I am in. Lunch in Marlow at Sindhu and then jump on the train to London. All sorts of winning
Cankles-McJeggings delged Gutted can’t make this. Off to Espana for 3 months. Enjoy! You’re gutted you’re going to miss some bang average dick fest for 3 months in Spain? Have a word.
Smallman1 Probably not my place to share but SD and possibly Zackster have retired from clubbing. They both gave it a reasonable go tbf. Lads, I’ll continue to coalface it up for you both.
Hursty I was all over that email like a rash so there must be an issue rather than them being sold out