1. MDMA/Ecstasy or whatever else people call them these days
    No explanation needed

  2. Xanax/Lorazapam or whatever else drug companies call barbiturates these days
    Nothing better than a few of these during the day after a long night - whether booze, or beans, or whatever. I only take them when I board a plane these days. They’re just great. Oh, the plane is going to crash? Cool, man. I’ve had a good life. I’m good. Floating like a feather.

  3. Lighter Prescription Opiates
    Possibly the only thing better than the above and for the same reasons, but they fuck my stomach up. Oxycontin not included. That garbage is too strong and is a life-ruiner. I’m talking low milligram Vicodin. Like ecstasy without the next day “I invited who to brunch?” regret. Probs not great for a night at Fabric either.

  4. Cocaine
    Shame of a drug. It can take a wonderful night and turn it into a “cocaine” night before anyone even knows it - and now you’re arguing about human nature at four in the morning. But god damn is it a blast (or was, in my case). Funny drug, too. The people who do a ton of it, seem to know everyone, but nobody really likes them. The only true “guilty pleasure” I can think of (other than smashing your best bud’s girl)

  5. Psychedelics
    Fine when you’re a teenager and nothing matters. Mushrooms > Acid. Former is intense but fun, latter turns you into a psytrance-liking weirdo.

  1. Weed
  2. XTC
  3. Cocaine
  4. LSD - If I wasn’t such a pussy these days I vote this # 1.
  5. Xanex - Nothing takes the edge off a several day drinking binge hangover like Xanex or the like.


    Bucked on including weed given it’s legal all over the place now. If I was to include that, I’d have to do booze. Booze and weed are like the Doritos to the potato chip debate. They rhyme, but not the same.

    And I know I’m the idiot that included Doritos. This is my way of righting a wrong.

      I have extremely high hopes that it will soon be legal in Pa due to the deficit covid has caused. Our lieutenant gov is constantly banging the drum about it, and its been medicinally accepted here for a few now.

      1. MDMA/Molly
      2. Ketamine
      3. Molly WITH Ketamine
      4. Coke
      5. Mushrooms
      6. LSD
      7. Klonopins (for coming down, and because I have a scrip)
      8. ….and back in the day….a little bump or two of speed 🤷🏼‍♀️

        Kells77 Klonopins

        My insane college gf constantly had these. Thee perfect terrifying hangover cure. Miss those days.


          You maniac.

          Always thought Klonos fit under the barbie category like Xanax but maybe I’m wrong there.

          Also, speed. Yeah me too. But I also smoked crack for a laugh (twice) so glass houses.

            jonattonyeah Yeah, they’re benzodiazapenes, like xanax, but klonopins work better for me. Ativan and Xanax didn’t quite work. I’m pretty sure it’s due to my experimentation with the rest of the list 😂😂


              Have you received a scrip in California yet? For the Klonos? They are crazy about them these days. I know myself too well so never asked for much, just when I fly, but they used to hand them out like candy. Not anymore. They are really, really tough to get - and they’re tracked in a State database. If they’re something you need to manage anxiety, find a doc who’s sympathetic. The larger providers (Kaiser, Sutter Health) are reticent to even talk about them. Just a heads up.

                Yeah I have a current scrip for them here. I have to go to a specialist to get it, but yeah. They don’t give you more than 30 days worth though, and you can’t refill it very early. Maybe a couple days before you run out, so it’s not like they’re abundant for me or anything. Just a handy little thing to have when the night/weekend needs to end.

                1. Speed and MDMA (lay a base of speed at home, sprinkle pills at the rave)
                2. Daylight
                3. Speed
                4. MDMA
                5. Cocaine (when drunk first)
                1. Aspirin (cheap, OTC, organic, prevents bowel cancer and heart disease/ stroke)
                2. Simvastatin (cheap, OTC, prevents heart disease stroke)
                3. Resveratrol (seems to prolong life in rats)
                4. Niacin/ NAD (also seems to prolong life in rats)
                5. Quercetin (stops my cigarettes oxidising cholesterol into atheroma)
                • C_J replied to this.

                  18 posts in and nobody has charted poppers yet!