Sorry to hear the news of your mate passing, I hope he got to love this amazing thing you did together. Not only is it something special he got to do in such a horrible circumstance, but you and others have something special to have as final memories. Plus it’s a great track!

Looking forward to the Christmas special remix with The Snowman lyrics laid over top 🤞

303abuser …thanks mate, really chuffed to hear, means a lot!

Having good source material helps (and a little pro mixdown help!)

    B Side version. Swapped the 909 for an 808 and the 303 for a 202. Was beyond fun working with Grant Ants and Damo on this. Very thankful for the little time I had getting to know Anthony. Incredibly positive and kind individual.

    Edit* its also at a sus bpm for you lot. A version of this was boomer posted by Grant earlier but it was missing ½ the loops.

    Need to have a listen through all these again!

    Every now and then, you guys remind me you’re not just embittered, middle age cunts of the highest order.

    Grant - gutted to hear about yer mate - what a lovely tribute to him.

    vinnyt77 er, what prompted the need for you to add that? Is it to differentiate because I’m not yet entirely embittered and middle age?

    14 days later

    Purchased! Heart warming to see the feed of all the other people who’ve bought it. Top work 👍🏻

    All versions purchased. I also got a gig next weekend where I can play this sort of music, which is nice.