14 days later

Purchased! Heart warming to see the feed of all the other people who’ve bought it. Top work 👍🏻

All versions purchased. I also got a gig next weekend where I can play this sort of music, which is nice.


    If that’s doesn’t inspire a mix I don’t know what does.

      zackster I’ll try, but I think it’s the sort of place where you can’t use a camera. An UG party in Helsinki in an undisclosed location.

        zackster as if she’d come to any of my gigs anymore, nevermind one where you get home only the next day. We’ve been together ten years, she’s well past “supporting” my hobby.

          Homegrove I hear yah there. Might be fore the best actually. I had my first gig since lockdown a few weeks ago. Our friends opened a win bar and had me and a friend play late 80s, early 90s house and electro records. Nothing taxing on the ear at all. Less than 10 minute into my set my lovely wife rallied every single one of our friends that came to go next door to eat dinner because “she needed to eat before dancing” they came back three hours later when we had like 45 minutes remaining. I was absolutely FEWMIN and were at each others throats for the next several days as a result. Now that I’ve got all this Digweed cash and fame coming in it might be time to think about an upgrade.

            “Nothing taxing on the ear at all”

            More lies, Zachary.

            Steely writhing in pain as Fingers Inc - Distant Planet plays.

            I’m more amazed you’re playing a Larry Heard track.

              Dan absolutely love Larry. The 909 is my favorite instrument of all time, and Larry knows how to work it.

              Let me know if you need me to give that bitch a touch up with old faithful, zacko. Sounds like she could do with a few reasoners. 🔨

              Unbroken1 I’m pretty sure he means your two

              Haha only just seen this. I actually bought yours twice as I like to have 2 copies. Old habits.

              Hey zacko, has this swung you round that diggers only plays shite, now?