bosstrabs Smallman1 Think Dave’s just gone into the weeds. SmallCUNT, you had better fuck off and go back to penning a tear-stained ‘take me back, I promise to fix the roof’ letter to ‘me Julie’, you BALD-HEIDED CUNT.
ScottBailey This board makes me realise I’m probably one the of the only people who thinks Airdrawndagger was a bit wank, and was the final nail in the coffin to Sasha’s golden era.
zackster zackster The Chemical Bros, ex do NOT count. bosstrabs someone could count Orbital and Leftfield
bosstrabs Fuck off you horse-toothed bellend, go and cry into your fucking Bernie t-shirt that you also use as a tossrag.
bosstrabs Zackster nutting into his fucking hi-top Vegas after bouncing off Smallman. Fucking Snidey Paul: Seppo version.
Smallman1 bosstrabs Zackster nutting into his fucking hi-top Vegas after bouncing off Smallman. Fucking Snidey Paul: Seppo version. Made me lol!
bosstrabs Zackster putting New Forms in a top 10 list of anything, other than a top 10 worst Mercury Music Prize Winners list.. What a fucking spacca.
bosstrabs Zackster planning to segue the thread into some shite story about meeting Rowdy Roddy Piper in an Allentown bar. Fucking cunt.
zackster Dave being confronted with the fact his list maxed out with Sasha, Fatboy Slim, and Basement Jaxx is really something to behold.
bosstrabs Zackster readying a post about some forgotten corner of England where people eat ham and pea butties, like anyone cares. Total bellend.
bosstrabs Zackster entering some existential crisis from the memory of Aaron Littles returning to GU and posting the owned by Arisandy pic in response to someone utterly destroying him. Total headwand.