C_J I’ve noticed the drift on my decks seems to get progressively worse the more I drink, which is completely baffling frankly.
Homegrove Funny coincidence, this is the second new mix that starts with The Grid I’ve heard this week.
HopHead Ed needs to give some marketing lessons out. Everyone’s “I’ve done a mix, it’s a bit shit, I couldn’t be bothered re-recording because I had a great time making it and fuck you”. It’s hardly selling me on the download.
Along_the_Wire HopHead I’m just flagging it mate, I’m not selling it. I’m mainly doing it for me and my mates - they’re far less of a tough crowd and don’t notice any of the fuck ups. Which is nice.
Wasily HopHead Everyone’s “I’ve done a mix, it’s a bit shit, I couldn’t be bothered re-recording because I had a great time making it and fuck you” Isn’t that why its called “Jaded” Clubbers😱? The great thing about a place like this is it’s inclusive and contains a mix of talent from budding amateurs to active professional artists. He’s posted a mix for people to enjoy and asked for constructive feedback which he’s got, as -si- says kudos to him for having the bottle to put it out…
seanc80 Touched my mix has inspired you to do this mix Grant ;-) Enjoyed it, keep up the good work mate :-)
Millsy Grant is Zabiela to Sean’s Sasha. Nothing to do with the tune rip offs, just the horrific barnets, trabbs and clobber.
Thom_Fuckery C_J Fucking hell CJ!!!! Why don’t you tell us what you really think? LOL. Grant,use this as a learning experience. I’m sure you’re thinking ‘FUCK YOU CJ YOU ABSOLUTE CUNT’ But remember-diamonds are formed under pressure.
C_J Thom_Fuckery sorry, i didn’t realise this was a mutual back-slapping forum where we all lied to each other and engaged in mutual masturbation. I’ll note that for next time big guy.