zackster Unbroken1 Sticky1, cunt 😂 What did he suddenly quit over? Iircc he accidentally admitted something and then split.
Cankles-McJeggings Hursty I think making Dermo a mod was a naive decision 😂 visionary it was. Ahead of its time. The board wasn’t ready for it.
Unbroken1 Cankles-McJeggings ….yep, from several different sources, yet still no clear explanation for the cuntishness
Cankles-McJeggings He told me he just liked being a cunt and disrupting and abusing others for a laugh.
bosstrabs Then there was ExTractorFan, which was Global Mike M’s alias that he used to go ballistic on me (probably while sobbing) because I described his stupid fat head in a picture as looking like a squashed loaf of bread.
Cankles-McJeggings Don lover Furry who did one the minute he got outed and subsequently battered for peddling MAGA shite.
Hursty I remember the whirlwind duo of zebramofo and alexbullen on Bedrock No idea who they were but they seemed to liven things up for a period Probably aliases
Cankles-McJeggings He was batshit mental. Used to have some great times giving him shit. All his aliases were of Serbian war criminals. Arkan etc. He thought his mixes were acceptable and put them on beatport 😂
Unbroken1 …always remember the video of the ‘Block Party’ he played, he and a couple of his mates rocking out in the makeshift booth, camera pans around, zero punters 😂
Millsy Unbroken1 lol. That was superb. Playing his horrific pots n pans Haus to himself at 170 decibels.
Cankles-McJeggings Unbroken1 always remember the video of the ‘Block Party’ he played, he and a couple of his mates rocking out in the makeshift booth, camera pans around, zero punters Haha he also hired a club out and there were 5 People in there max. He said he was rocking a full club.
Millsy Who was the lad that posted a no-necked selfie of himself in his bedsit? I think I immediately compared him to ‘Ram man’ from Masters of the Universe and he had a flounce.
Cankles-McJeggings Millsy Who was the lad that posted a no-necked selfie of himself in his bedsit? I think I immediately compared him to ‘Ram man That was Frank the Tank ie Hop head 😂 The silly little midget fuck. He had home made half mast jeans on with a crease ironed on the front. Got absolutely fucking ruined for it. He was 5ft max. Only worked out it was him last year. He wasn’t in his bedsit he was in a pub. The bedsit was my other mate Belio 😂