303abuser IndustryStandard barging through to just stand right in front like an inanimate object That shit is rampant here, makes me want to kick them straight in the back.
zackster IndustryStandard still too many blokes just standing on the dance floor gawping not makking any effort to dance . Worse still, barging through to just stand right in front like an inanimate object . Never see this happening at a Jeff gig. Tops OFF and feet stomping!
Dry-Tinder alistair Due the time zone changes he would have 24 hours to get there, the flight time from London is 9 hours so it is easily doable.
Dry-Tinder Along_the_Wire Yeah, I would assume that it was, it was also being played in the video he posted of the sound check.
alistair Wally Time and place. Sounded decent on Friday, although I prefer memory child which they released earlier in the year
rhouses Smallman1 I don’t know if it was the happy stuff or not, but my friend was convinced Digweed took the lead, while Sasha wasn’t doing much. “The set was dark and mean, with a sprinkling of the mad emo shit which was obviously the man like.”