Disgraceful treatment by Edwand when he left for Corfu. Discarded and left for dead in a skip. Maybe didn’t want Darren taking advantage of her whilst he was away?


    Tbh Hugo her head is irrelevant. I usually sellotape a picture of Owen Jones on the back of hers. Occasionally mix it up a bit if I’m feeling fruity with someone like Jim Beglin.

      Believe me, Jones has been ruined in my boudoir many, many times. Usually after I’ve watched a particular annoying rant of his.
      I keep old faithful within reach just incase he gets a little too lippy. 🔨

        What I don’t get is why Edward would leave his missus in the dumpster behind Jumpin’ For Jeggings in Perth.

        See what happens when you haven’t got twitter to rely on for your funnies?

        That’s not his Julie, his Julie has smaller tits and resembles a small boy.

        • Heno replied to this.

          Ed’s Julie toy comes with several dressing up playsets.

          Red Indian
          Motorbike enthusiast
          US motorcycle police officer
          Construction worker

            Seeing me Julie tomorrow, Bedrock on Sunday.

            We go again!