hugopal Cankles-McJeggings you’d never do that to your own “fuck toy” would you Derm? I’m sure you keep your “Mrs” shiny and with head.
Cankles-McJeggings hugopal Tbh Hugo her head is irrelevant. I usually sellotape a picture of Owen Jones on the back of hers. Occasionally mix it up a bit if I’m feeling fruity with someone like Jim Beglin.
Cankles-McJeggings Believe me, Jones has been ruined in my boudoir many, many times. Usually after I’ve watched a particular annoying rant of his. I keep old faithful within reach just incase he gets a little too lippy. 🔨
zackster What I don’t get is why Edward would leave his missus in the dumpster behind Jumpin’ For Jeggings in Perth.
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