baggers44 Homegrove genuine question Hanners: what if you are on no ones side because those promoting wanton violence are all essentially fascist, fundamentalist cunts who long ago have turned their backs on any form of compromise and misled their people into a view of the future which drives their opponents into the sea ?
Homegrove baggers44 that’s perfectly acceptable. I’m not saying regular Palestinians are perfect, I’ve just tried to make people defending Israel’s actions as reasonable think a bit.
zackster I don’t know want to dox anyone, but I am fairly sure Hugo is just a Lindsey Graham alias. Could absolutely see that Ol’ Linds being into club music and Berghain so makes sense as I think about it.
Millsy zackster lol. Only a matter of time until he gets caught in a club like Vito Spatafore. ‘it was just a joke’
strummer Having read this thread since i posted how fucked the whole Israel/Arab thing is + has been for years,Hannu is completely deranged.
erik Homegrove depends how deep the mossad dirt on western politicians runs doesn’t it? Anyone know the Hebrew for Kompromat?
Hursty Homegrove it’s horrific but there is no committed political pressure to reign them back I see the odd country popping up but until they get together it just seems to be token gestures to try and save face from the atrocities
Homegrove Hursty nothing can be done before US stops weaponazing Israel. And that will not happen. It’s horrible.
hugopal Homegrove Lol, the “analysis” is just comparing the numbers of the Gaza Health Ministry with the numbers from the pro-Palestine UNWRA, and saying that they’re (unsurprisingly) similar to each other.