Mad_Cyril Smallman1 Live to some of the finest minds in the Biz Transing world? What an honour! Thanks Ed
Mad_Cyril Phil-McRackin Cheers for listening Phil, sounds like you’re on a lot of drugs if you think it’s sunny in Brum !!!
Mad_Cyril Dubman Struggling to get a decent upload. Will pm you when I get one working! Damn remote villages
Mad_Cyril Dubman Not having it, the upload speed where we are is too low. Fly back tomorrow, will get you a copy Sunday. Apologies
Dubman Mad_Cyril No worries mate. It’s frustrating when you get a poor signal. I get it constantly trying to complete pod’s especially in the countryside.
Along_the_Wire Mad_Cyril You want Community Fibre - upload speeds the same as download - 1gb for me - talk about living the dream
Mad_Cyril Along_the_Wire I’m in a villa in Turkey mate, installing fibre to send Dubbers a mix would be a bit OTT!