Sasha fan boys have been there as long as I can remember. Fruits like B. Blood stood with a raging lob on, gawping at him from 3 feet away, even back in the early nineties. It was rare then though. I’ve got a close friend who was weirdly obsessed with him too. Unhealthily obsessed. I can’t even begin to tell you some of the weird stunts he pulled.
Weirdo obsessive Sepo’s take the biscuit by taking it to a whole different dimension of odd. You only have to have seen inside that Facebook page of theirs to see how utterly fucking cult like odd it is.
The diggers fan boys are a relatively new thing in comparison. SimonR was probably the first proper UK diggers fanboy, he’s the British equivalent of SP but only has eyes for JD. Full on shameless man-love-man fan boy adoration. He was at the time the only person who was posting weekly pics over his socials and message boards following/stalking diggers around the globe. All with his arm round him and getting frisky with it. You can still see him now, lurking round the dj booth well into his 50s. No one even comes close.
Can’t recall diggers fanboys in early renaissance days in Mansfield at all. I think it probably crept in during the late 90s twilo days and early noughties. Now they are made up of Sepo’s who call it EDM, South Americans who lap up the whole cheesy accessible prog sound and the 40s-50s something Bedrock crowd. Sorry boys but it’s not made up is it ? The whole t-shirt crew spawned from Bedrock too. You know who you are. 😆