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  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

VR46 Tariffs are pro-inflationary, especially in the context of a trade war. And he got nothing done in his first term because the administration was completely disorganized. Project 2025 is a different beast, you can expect different results.

  • VR46 replied to this.

    Dubman I’m surprised the didn’t call them elves

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    303abuser We all know how inflation works, like I said before if he drills like he said he would and oil and gas falls even 15/ 20% from current levels it will eat up any inflation brought by the tarriffs and then some, yes consumer may feel it but it’s about over all figure. That’s not even including if the dollars rockets.

    You tell me how record low inflation low interest rates good stock market good employment and growth wasn’t the perfect formally in his first term, we will probably never see that again. People are just to blinkered to admit it.

    It’s up to Canada and Mexico to strike up a deal, he coming in high for a reason, there should be some room there.

      Economies don’t change because there was a transfer of power, they’re slow moving. He inherited stable economies from Obama and Biden, just like Obama inherited a shit show from Bush. We’ll see how this plays out, but if the last 4 or 5 decades are an indication, Republican polices are bad for consumers. Trickle down economics don’t work and the richest companies and individuals are getting another tax cut.

      For the record, I don’t actually think he’s trying to start a trade war, this is just his opening bid strategy to negotiate a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico. He just happens to be a fucking moron, so it could go sideways at any moment. And if he does start a trade war, the only thing he’ll accomplish is bumping China up the geopolitical power ladder.

      “The world was calm when Trump was in power”. Lets bin that baseless nonsense for good shall we?

      • Trump pulls US troops out of northern Syria, destabilising the whole area, leaving the spoils for Putin and Islamist groups who continue to fight with Turkey up until Oct 2023.

      • IRG increase their flow of arms into Yemen, Lebanon and Gaza unchecked, which has added fuel to the current genocide and has pulled the US, UK & France into bombing campaigns across the region.

      • Trump signs a deal with the Taliban with a hard deadline, that leads to the downfall of Kabul and the total waste of 20 years of combat and death.

      • Trump ignores the pleas of Eygpt, Jordan and the Palestinian authority and grants the move of the US embassy to Jerusalem anyway, declaring it to be the official capital of Israel. A move which angers and antagonises the Arab world and leads directly to a ramp up of violence and the attacks which eventually start the newest Gaza war/genocide.

      • Continued funding of rebels in Venezuela and Colombia, continuing 70 years of policy related to regime change in SA.

      • Refusal to temper Putin’s move into Donbas and the surrounding areas which lead to the invasion and ongoing war that has destabilised the region and the planet as a whole.

      • Congo and Rwanda branded as “shitholes” and left to rot by refusing to land peacekeepers or special contractors as growing numbers of Islamic jihad are left to trade in arms and grow ever increasingly violent against civilians. Numbers of foreign fighters pouring into Yemen as a result increase exponentially.

      Thats just off the top of my head. Trump made almost all of these moves as PR photo ops also, to show how he was a “peacemaker” but only a fool would continue to parrot the line that he was a stabilising force in geopolitics because there’s zero evidence to prove it. His PR stunt with the North Korean midget, how did that work out after he was laughed out of the room?
      Maybe people mean that the US were not directly involved in combat, thats fair enough, but thats a totally different argument and it sounds stupid if trying to defend him, as if conflict is only serious if Yank troops are on the ground. Dont say the “world was a calmer place” because you’re talking completely out of your hole if you do. If anything Trump laid the groundwork for the complete mess that Eastern Europe and the Middle East currently finds itself in.

        Still waiting waiting for him to end the war in Ukraine

        He said it would be done within a week. He just didn’t stipulate which week.

        Didn’t a Russian TV channel post naked photos of Melania after Trump won the election. I wonder what else they have on him

        LT42 His PR stunt with the North Korean midget, how did that work out after he was laughed out of the room?

        You say this but how many post-bong sorties have you and lads been able to fly into north korea on microsoft flight simulator, without getting shot down, captured and made to eat vegan food?

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          LT42 Now do your list on what Obama did.

          303 if he inherited Obamas economy are you admitting he didn’t at least fuck that up then lol. Again blinkers off, the left acting like every single thing he has ever done and will do into future will be complete incompetent, is dumb and ignorant. He has advisers.

          Same idiots will still support Biden after his pardons and will still say his term was great when he was hidden away for half of it, weak leader unwilling to put the work in.

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            VR46 Now do your list on what Obama did.

            Correct, it will be equally horrific. Which is why statements you make about the world being calmer when Trump was in office even more stupid.

            And for future referemce Funky, you wont find anyone on this board who will glorify Democratic presidents’ foreign policy. Take your ridiculous fantasies somewhere else.

            -si- shot down, captured and made to eat vegan food?

            Having serious munchies and no processed meat products is a twisted version of hell

            VR46 acting like every single thing he has ever done and will do into future will be complete incompetent, is dumb and ignorant. He has advisers.

            So not only is he incompetent, but so are the people advising him. Comforting.

            I’m sure there’s something he’s done that’s not classed as dumb, ridiculous, or short-sighted, I just can’t come up with it off the top of my head. I would have said banning TikTok was a good call, but he’s flip-flopped on that one. The only thread that ties everything he does together is perceived self-interest.

            Funky….have you seen the state of his ‘advisors’ by any chance? Take a look at Stephen Miller for a start off. Jaysus.

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              -si- shot down, captured and forced to eat vegan food?

              What’s my ex wife got to do with it ? 😂

              Millsy they’re an asemblage of the awful and the truly repugnant

                erik Mos Eisley Cantina regulars

                Millsy Hold on …… did I miss Funky go away for a total rebrand, including being able to write pargraphs with capital letters & half understandable grammar?!?!

                It definitely isnt the work of our Biz Trans Peter Pan.