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  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

wrongun I’m rebranded as The Doctor Valentino Rossi VR46. Make Combustion Engines Great Again.

    This email was sent to most gov depts in the US, Blatantly a Musk special (similar to the email sent to Twitter employees that also mentioned a forkj in the road). Building a dictatorship from the ground up 101.


    I struggle to believe this was happening in the first place…

    • erik replied to this.

      Project 2025 in full effect.

      ‘flood the zone’…. The other big one today is them mooting the idea of getting rid of income tax! Proper dystopian stuff.

      The systematic erosion of not only confidence in institution and now their ability to be funded and deliver results in any meaningful way, will be the end of a functioning democracy. Though I guess that’s the intended outcome. Feels like they’re going full handmaid’s tale.

      I’ve heard the dystopian techno that Zackster is now playing due to the new Trump government and let me tell you this, it is absolutely shocking.

      Pots and pans, the soundtrack for a new golden age of America.

      • Edited

      Hursty of course, it’s just a rallying call for the uneducated and the innanely stupid

      They’re the sort of morons who think little Timmy wakes up one morning and says to his mum “I wanna be a girl” so off she takes him to the doctor and gets his bits chopped off.

      And they don’t care because the don’t/can’t/refuse to understand

      According to some reports, 121k children and young adults have had treatment since 2017. Hardly a worrying trend.

        LT42 luckily we’ve have the Cass report in the Uk to provide some overall common sense to the whole thing

        Project Al-Jizzera

        Dubman it won’t surprise anyone to hear this is a total lie, along with the statement on drones. Complete and utter nonsense.
        I think most people could live with harsh policies that were based in reality but this alternate reality bullshit for 4 more years will be tough. I really hope he dies in office this time. Live on camera preferably, Tommy Cooper style. The last audio passing the mic in front of him being the sound of him shitting his pants. If theres any justice….

          I think it’s been fact checked already. How can he stand there a tell a blatant lie

          LT42 I really hope he dies in office this time.

          Actuaries have it at ⅓ chance based on his age and health. I’ve seen worse odds.

          Cunts like Trump don’t die