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  • Election 2024: The Fate of Democracy

Rich looks a cunt. +1 to Dr. Palmer

Mad_Cyril we can work through this, just need to sit down and listen to Trisco Musak whilst holding hands

Can we add a 🇺🇦 to Stu’s user ID?

I am so embarrassed that I allowed myself to be guilted into voting for this.

    zackster to be fair you had the choice of one known horrific president and one unknown shit president. So wasn’t a great choice to start with

    That bit Don did about Ron’s shoe lifts and how he looked like he was “walking on ice skates” was fucking hilarious.

    Think I’m beginning to miss ian

    He really was our Ron Desantis, wasn’t he

    Forgot about Q. That dude bellowing clearly didn’t.

    This is painful. If he would just fuck off the shit libs would have this thing in the bag.