• Music
  • What are you listening to at the moment?..

Wasily Well it improved my mood after a difficult call with a client. Intricate, ethereal melodies, well programmed, especially when it picks up pace and becomes more groove based. Some cracking tracks on it including his two months off remix. Would sound great on a sunny terrace. I’m probably looking forward to seeing him play more than Bagpuss at Bedrock summer. If you like Tim Green, Sebastien Leger and Damo’s sets, you’ll like this.

    alistair If you like Tim Green, Sebastien Leger and Damo’s sets, you’ll like this.

    …hmmm 🤣

    alistair Well it improved my mood after a difficult call with a client.


    Front & Centre for this one.

    Echo The comp its taken off is really good. Pits has an able on the way too…

    Love the way this builds.

    Dan have you given his Balance mix a whirl yet?

    • Dan replied to this.