rhouses Her Fabric and BIS mixes are sick (in a good way). Massive honey too, she looks like she smells like cigarettes and sex. Top 5 easy.
Homegrove Jesus Christ Rhouses. Agree about her mixes always being top notch. Her Fabric was like Saoirse’s though, disappointing compared to their “normal” mixes.
rhouses Homegrove Surely you went nuts when she brings in that Slam track. MONSTER. That being said, might prefer the BIS mix. She’s right up your strasse with your Metallica patched jeans jacket hanners.
rhouses RichM https://music.apple.com/in/album/ninja-tune-presents-solid-steel-with-helena-hauff-dj-mix/1745364704
rhouses Along_the_Wire right now I’m into some aggressive wonky noisy af techno and she checks the boxes.