baggers44 Smallman1 I did…..still can hardly speak …the older I get the harder it gets , oh you meant the after party, not the championship final ……..errr yes was fab …
Along_the_Wire baggers44 Hadn’t been for ages and saw Tourist there - they’ve definitely improved the sound in there.
elrobertos Along_the_Wire Yeah I went to the Anjunadeep (come at me. it was FUN) thing there recently and the sound was surprisingly good all around the venue. Looking forward to hearing the ginger ninja rinse the system…
Dry-Tinder so where did the tickets actually go on sale for for this? Do we just wait for a link at midday?
Along_the_Wire Was waiting in the queue for RA and the Roundhouse - by the time I got into the Roundhouse, tickets were £149 each. Managed to get them on RA for £56. The robbing fucking bastards.
IndustryStandard £56 a pop….fucking joke. They are playing FLAC files to a bunch of old ctnus for 5 hours…….ridiculous price.
Along_the_Wire IndustryStandard be fair, they’re beatmatching them and using a variety of EQs and FX. And lights.
IndustryStandard Along_the_Wire ….true. Plus they may raise their arm in the air once in a while. Bargain when I come to think of it really
IndustryStandard Do they lay on a spread for that price? Few sausage rolls and cheese sarnies would go down a treat as it clashes with my dinner time..