Smallman1 nicksneddon They’ve just announced the after party at the MOS in the box all night – tickets a tenner each Where can one find info about this?
Dry-Tinder nicksneddon Is that after the second night at the Roundhouse that they have just announced due to the unprecedented ticket sales. They have even gone as far to say that the Saturday tickets will be half the price as the Friday ones.
Wally The press release for this was really careful to say ‘their only London show of 2024’ so they will defo announce a gig on the Saturday. I’d have thought Manchester but they weren’t there that long ago.
Wally Dry-Tinder think my alziemers is setting in but didn’t they do Manchester on the Sat last year?
RichM Smallman1 afterparty in Regent’s Park hosted by Hugo to venture into the weeds? I’m all in for that