Smallman1 You’ll go from wanting to glass me to thinking ’he’s absolutely fucking sensational’ within the space of a few minutes!
hugopal Millsy Can I glass smallman? Not a deal breaker, just something to consider in terms of marketing etc [GRANT] Stop being such a cunt Millsy. It’s not funny. [/GRANT]
Mad_Cyril bosstrabs Dave, everyone is invited. Still waiting for your heads up when back in the UK. Being a massive BERK isn’t an issue, it’s almost compulsory so there’s no need to worry!
ScottBailey I’m sure everyone’s invited. But I’m also sure only those with minerals will turn up too 😆
RichM If I’m not going away on holiday that week I will join you gents. But currently looking to book a trip away that week. Tenterhooks!
benson bit of luck, have just picked up a days work in London on the 12th. Straight out of work and into the battle cruiser. This had better be on now!
Mad_Cyril benson as long as we get a decent top top lounge review to mull over with our drinks Exactly this benners
RichM benson you don’t want to know who I am flying with or where I am flying from. The only lounge I will see will be some fat cunts lounging around on the floor waiting for their flights after their full English and five pints at the spoons
Mad_Cyril RichM The only lounge I will see will be some fat cunts lounging around on the floor waiting for their flights after their full English and five pints at the spoons You do know going somewhere isn’t actually obligatory to post. review don’t you Rich? All you need to do is say it was tremenballs, nobody will be any wiser.